
Ducey Code : it’s your move !

It's time to bring out your inner Sherlock Holmes.Your mission: to solve the Ducey Code investigation at the Château des Montgommery.

marine Published on 01/12/2020

Cara-Meuh Festival

Located in Vains, in the heart of the Mont Saint-Michel bay, this farm benefits from an ideal environment! Today, tourists can visit the farm and the caramel factory, stroll around the “cara-poules” – mobile henhouses – and, of...

yann Published on 01/12/2020

La Polynormande

The greatest cycling champions have taken part in this event in the South-Manche, contributing to its success. From Bernard Thévenet, the first winner, through Hinault, Bernaudeau, Madiot, Fignon, Chavanel, Gilbert, Delaplace and right up to Oliver...

marine Published on 01/12/2020

The Authors