The Mont Saint-Michel and its Bay, classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are among the most visited sites in France with more than two million visitors per year. This frequentation induces an important production of waste.

The health crisis linked to Covid-19 has certainly slowed down this production of waste, but it has also contributed to the development and to a certain craze for take-away sales, which generate new types of waste.
The Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth and the Circular Economy Roadmap define precise waste reduction objectives, in particular the reduction of 50% of landfilled waste by 2025 and the generalization of sorting at source of bio-waste by December 31, 2023.
Faced with this new way of consuming and the regulatory requirements imposed by the law, the commune of Mont Saint-Michel as well as the coastal communes of its bay have committed themselves to an approach aiming at “Zero Waste”, to make this site one of the most virtuous in waste management.
Some simple eco-actions to adopt during a picnic :

- Invest in a pretty flowered water bottle, rather than buying plastic bottles. It’s often an inexpensive purchase that is really useful on a daily basis.
- Bring washable dishes, instead of disposable plates and cutlery. We still avoid beautiful dishes, a shock is quickly arrived during transport 😉.
- Use cloth napkins to make up for the paper towel!
- Pack your sandwiches, “homemade” quiches and other pretty salads in reusable boxes, rather than using plastic wrap or aluminum.
- Put it all in a nice basket, and let’s go for a nice family picnic!
Tip : Do not leave any waste after your visit. To do this, remember to bring several small bags to be able to sort your waste afterwards: such a simple gesture and yet so important to enjoy a good meal in the respect of the surrounding nature.
During your vacations, continue to sort with these simple gestures

- When I go for a walk, I bring my water bottle
- In nature, I preserve the local fauna
- On a picnic, I leave with my garbage
- On the beach, I don’t throw anything away
- On vacation, I continue to sort
- In the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel, I sort, I compost, I recycle !
The Bec d’Andaine site will be one for the next season. Tourists, informed by posters on the site, must therefore leave with their waste to sort it at their place of residence.
From now on, all packaging can be sorted !
Indeed, sorting your waste means separating recyclable waste in order to recover it and thus reduce the quantity of landfill waste as much as possible.
For any additional information, you can contact the waste service at 02 33 68 68 96 or by mail